Thoughts on the 2024 Election
Yesterday I was asked by a friend to give him my thoughts on the upcoming election. Let me say at the beginning, forgive the length of this. I don’t like to post political views here, but I have to admit that I do have some strong feelings about this election, so I will tell you […]
Just the Facts
I really don’t like election season, because no politician seems to get it right all the time. But some things are easy to fact-check; you just have to want to do it. The two most important issues in the 2024 election are the open border and the economy. Attempts to find annual data on crossings […]
The Latest on Sugar
A recent study has concluded that naturally occurring sugar (fructose) when accompanied by fiber slows the processing of sugar in the digestive tract, limiting spikes in blood glucose.
The Night Visitors
The night visitors came into my dreams last week and brought back a happening from years ago on a dusty road in Indochina. It was on a Saturday, I think…we didn’t pay much attention to days then. A truck had run over a mine in the road, and the Vietnamese engineers were trying to fill […]
A Farmer and a Deer
This is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time. It prompted me to add a new category to my site: Humour! (A letter from someone who wants to remain anonymous, who farms, writes well and actually tried this.) I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put […]
Voice Identification Security Called into Question
We’ve been customers of Fidelity Investments for many years, and when they rolled out their “MyVoice Verified” program, we thought it was a great step forward. But then came AI. As AI becomes more and more capable, we should not be surprised to see that our lives are more and more directly affected. Many of […]
Written Statement of Dr. Robert Redfield Before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
On March 9, 2023, former CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield, testified under oath before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. In his testimony, he stated that “COVID-19 more likely was the result of an accidental lab leak…” and called for the abolition of gain of function research. (Note that even in light of […]
Dr. Dunlap and The Nobels Clinic
My fear of doctors began at an early age with my visits to Dr. Arthur Dunlap, a thin man who always had a cigarette in his mouth and blew smoke on me during examinations. He called me “Roughneck”, which I could never understand because I was quite the opposite of a “roughneck” (still am), but […]
What is a Business Development Company?
You may have heard of the term Business Development Company (BDC) and wondered what makes them different. We are currently invested in a few in our own personal portfolio, and recently a friend asked me to explain why they are different. Funny thing – I did not know! What I did know is that we […]
New Study Casts Doubts on Effectiveness of Masks
Results of a peer-reviewed study performed in 2022 by the Cochrane Library have just been released. It encompassed the results of 78 studies including over 600,000 participants and found that wearing masks in public probably makes “… little or no difference in interrupting the spread of influenza-like illness.” (Their definition includes COVID-19.) And in one […]