Fidelity Logo

Voice Identification Security Called into Question

We’ve been customers of Fidelity Investments for many years, and when they rolled out their “MyVoice Verified” program, we thought it was a great step forward. But then came AI. As AI becomes more and more capable, we should not be surprised to see that our lives are more and more directly affected. Many of […]

Business Development Company (BDC)

What is a Business Development Company?

You may have heard of the term Business Development Company (BDC) and wondered what makes them different. We are currently invested in a few in our own personal portfolio, and recently a friend asked me to explain why they are different. Funny thing – I did not know! What I did know is that we […]

Artificial Intelligence

New AI Tools you will Love

Our world is changing every day, some say faster than we can keep up! And nowhere are the changes happening faster than in the realm of artificial intelligence. With the advent of ChatGPT, new ideas started flowing freely. Here are just a few of the recently added AI-driven applications: – Capture and share insights […]

ChatGPT – Can we exist without it?

I was about to write a couple of disclaimers for my websites and suddenly thought, this is a great job for ChatGPT.So I went to to ask for suggestions, but it was down! It seems I am not the only geek out there who is beginning to rely on expert assistance from this exciting […]

The Rise of AI

You have probably heard something about AI, but do you know the importance? OpenAI, a leader in the AI movement, has just introduced a free (for now) AI engine that demonstrates the power of this amazing technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT (a variant of the GPT-3 language model) are important because they have the […]

DuckDuckGo Logo

DuckDuckGo Releases Mac App

DuckDuckGo has released an app for the Mac and states that a Windows app will follow. Currently it is available only on an invitation basis, but it is expected to be more widely available in the coming months. The app can be downloaded at (CAUTION: The app will automatically download when you open this […]

Vehicle Fire

EV Safety

Have you ever noticed how small airplane crashes always hit the top headlines? Even though it is a well known fact that air travel is actually safer than driving. And in fact, the reason is probably because there are so few. But there is a “splash” factor that always gets the attention of the news, […]

Surfing in Munich

Surfing in Munich

Speaking of history, I came across this web page I created in 2004. It must have been one of the very first I ever made. There was no WordPress back then, and I was a purist, so I wanted to learn HTML from scratch. We’ve come a long way, but the subject was quite interesting! […]

I Bought an Electric Car, and I Love it!

I saw an article today about an unhappy EV experience by Rachel Wolfe of the Wall Street Journal, who recently rented an EV: I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road Trip. I Spent More Time Charging It Than I Did Sleeping. Rachel stated that she “figured driving the brand-new Kia EV6 I’d rented […]

David Brown

Creating a Drop Shadow in WordPress

Did you ever wonder if there was an easy way to create a drop shadow around an image so that it stood out? Well, yes, there is, and in WordPress it is very easy. Most themes provide the ability to add additional CSS. To check, go to to the dashboard and select Appearance > Customize: […]

Zoom Logo

Recording a Zoom meeting to the Cloud

Some organizations have meetings large enough or often enough that there are sometimes two or more persons who “run” meetings for their groups. Often it is necessary for one user to record a meeting and another to perform follow up processing, such as downloading it and uploading it to YouTube. In these cases, the Zoom […]

Tesla Model Y


In June I took delivery of a 2021 Tesla Model Y. It is hands down the best car I have ever owned! I love the acceleration, comfort, ride and most of all the economy. On a special rate from Georgia Power, I am able to charge at home overnight for only 1¢ per kilowatt hour […]